Man Tracking


The ability to track a person has in recent years become a important tool for various organisations in the conservation and security related industries.

Due to the increase in the poaching of Rhino and other valuable species of late it has become important for Field rangers and associated staff to become efficient at tracking humans. 

Tracking experts, Colin Patrick and Andreas Liebenberg pooled their knowledge in this field to form a company called Counter Insurgency Tracker Training (CITT) and they have formed a partnership with the South African Wildlife College (SAWC) and together have developed a tracker training programme that is considered one of the best in the industry. The programme is nationally accredited with the safety and security seta (Sasseta) and aims to train, upskill and give recognition to trackers in the conservation industry.



The scope of this training includes; 

  •  Early detection of the presence of suspicious activities / presence of suspects.

  •  The systematic following of a suspects trail that can lead to the:

    •  Location of traps, snares, camps, entry and exit point, and poaching hot spots.

    •  Apprehension of the suspects whether it be trespassers or poachers

    • Gathering of invaluable intelligence on movement and operation patterns, level of skill, modus operandi,  and current weaknesses within the implemented operational plan, which will feed into the counter poaching model,

    • Gathering of evidence linking suspects to scenes of crime. 

The subjects covered in this course are:

  • Spoor detection methods

  • Age determination of track and sign

  • Trailing (Systematic following of a track, or spoor)

  • Intelligence gathering and track interpretation

  • Anti tracking techniques and identification

  • Tactical tracking techniques and combat formations

  • Use of modern technology to aid the tracker

  • Animal Track & Sign identification

  • Clandestine trailing methods

Please contact us to enquire about prices and dates for Man Tracking Courses - - cell no: +27 (0)76 8133475

Man Tracking (1) Man Tracking (10) Man Tracking (12)
Man Tracking (13) Man Tracking (14) Man Tracking (15)
Man Tracking (16) Man Tracking (8) Man Tracking (4)
Man Tracking (5) Man Tracking (6) Man Tracking (7)
Man Tracking (11) Man Tracking (2) Man Tracking (9)
Man Tracking (3) MA789 Man Tracking (17)

"Colin trains anti-poaching units, game rangers, field guides and the like. You will be amazed at what you can you learn from guys like Colin Patrick." - Neels Geldenhuys , African Outfitter Magazine


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